• sparkler bonfire night 2022
    My Life

    Bonfire Night – 2022

    Remember remember the 5th of November For bonfire night this year, (a week late because of the weather and I wanted marshmellows) we had it in my grandparents backgarden. We had a fire pit to sit round. I also had…

  • Firework Night By Lori
    Art Reviews

    Firework Night By Lori

    Firework Night is a painting that is inspired by The Starry Night. The main feature of the painting is Smeaton’s Tower, located on The Hoe, Plymouth and the fireworks on Bonfire Night. I painted the picture with Acrylic paint on…

  • minecraft fireworks 2022

    Minecraft Fireworks – 2022

    As the weather was raining outside I decided to make a firework display on Minecraft for Bonfire Night. One of my friend helped me make the fireworks on my minecraft server. I set it off in the evening and recorded…