Facts About Wassily Kandinsky
1866 – 1944 As part of my online art lesson about Wassily Kandinsky we had to paint our own version of his Color Study. Squares with Concentric Circles 1913. I painted mine in gouache. For my final piece I decided…
Christmas/Dundee Cake
Ingredients Method (16 servings) Review I really enjoyed this recipe. It was easy to make. It is my favourite fruit cake. The recipe originally came form my Great-Grandmother, then my Nan increased the amount of fruit to make it a…
Holiday In Cornwall – Spring 2022 – Part 2
PART 2 Days 5 – 7 As we enjoyed our last holiday in Cornwall so much we decided to go back again. This time we rented Chywolow Lodge in Great Bosullow. It looked like a BIG wooden shed. We stayed…
Holiday in Cornwall – Spring 2022 – Part 1
PART 1 Days 1 – 4 As we enjoyed our last holiday in Cornwall so much we decided to go back again. This time we rented Chywolow Lodge in Great Bosullow. It looked like a BIG wooden shed. We stayed…
Facts About Vincent Van Gogh
1853-1890 As part of my online art lesson about Vincent Van Gogh we had to copy one of his paintings. I chose to paint Wheat Field With Cypresses in gouache as I have painted this picture before in oil pastels…
Bonfire Night – 2022
Remember remember the 5th of November For bonfire night this year, (a week late because of the weather and I wanted marshmellows) we had it in my grandparents backgarden. We had a fire pit to sit round. I also had…
Holiday In Cornwall – Winter 2021 – Part 2
PART 2 Days 5 – 8 Mommy, Dad and I went on holiday to Cornwall. We rented a small cottage (Boar’s House) in Tredinnick. We had 7 nights and 8 days there, and we visited many different places. Day 5…
Firework Night By Lori
Firework Night is a painting that is inspired by The Starry Night. The main feature of the painting is Smeaton’s Tower, located on The Hoe, Plymouth and the fireworks on Bonfire Night. I painted the picture with Acrylic paint on…
Copy of Cypresses in Starry Night By Lori
During my research I found that Vincent Van Gogh had drawn a Reed Pen and ink on paper drawing called Cypresses in Starry Night. It is the same scene as The Starry Night. I decided to have a go at…
Copy Of The Starry Night By Lori
The Starry Night By Vincent Van Gogh is one of my favorite painting by this artist. I find the brush marks fascinating to look at. I found it interesting that the large star in the sky is actually Venus. I…